Flamingo Blog

February 5, 2021 Update

Date: February 5, 2021
Category: Blogs construction

Brief site update:

Cottages 4, 3 and 2 and 1 are progressing with the following highlights

  • Cottage 4 support beam formwork has been removed and the post shoring is in place. Gates is working on cleaning up the finishes from the concrete slag.
  • Cottage 3 support beams were poured. The concrete break tests were received allowing the platform removal to commence on 2/5/21.
  • Cottage 2 support beams are in process of rebar being installed with an anticipated concrete pour date of 2/11/21
  • Cottage 1 support beam platform is commencing
  • Ramp and bridge trenching has started
  • Restaurant trenching has started in anticipation of NPS review of documents to be resubmitted  by COB 2/5/21